Executive Members
Charlene Montelaro
Board Chair
Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank, retired
Community Volunteer
Cheri M. Ausberry, MBA
Board Chair-Elect
Entergy Louisiana
Glenda Minor
Silket Advisory Services
Winship Songy
Treasurer & Finance Committee Chair
Delta Land Services, LLC.
Calvin Hart
Resource Development Chair
Nucor Steel Louisiana, LLC.
Jan Ross
Community Impact Chair
Huey and Angelina Wilson Foundation
Aldo Russo, M.D.
Community Impact Chair-Elect
Ochsner Health System
Eric Thomas
Communications & Marketing Co-Chair
Community Volunteer
Glynna Mayers
Communications & Marketing Co-Chair
Dow Chemical Louisiana Operations
Dave Luecke
Past Board Chair & Governance Committee Chair
ExxonMobil Baton Rouge Area
George Bell
President & CEO
Capital Area United Way
Members at Large
Virginia Bell
St. Helena Development Foundation, Inc. (SHED)
Eric Dexter
Baton Rouge Area Foundation
Gaines Foster, Ph.D.
Louisiana State University, Retired
Scott Huffstetler
Kean Miller LLP
Dave Kneipp
Volunteers of America, South Central LA
Joanie Montelaro
Jayson Newell
Baton Rouge Area Chamber
Dai Nguyen
Paula Shepherd
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana
Dennis Shields
Southern University System,
Karen Smith
Turner Industries
Nick Speyrer
Emergent Method
Chuck Spicer
Our Lady of The Lake Health
Jolen Stein
Clay Young
Clay Young Enterprises LLC