Celebrate the Power of Women Awards



What is Women United?


Women United
comprises women who collaborate in
giving, volunteering, and advocating
alongside other like-minded women
dedicated to enhancing the well-being
of their community through
education, economic mobility,

healthy living, and access to basic needs.


What It Means to Live United


You've heard or seen the phrase LIVE UNITED.
We put it on everything we do here at

Capital Area United Wayand it's the tag line
for United Ways around the world for some time now
 But have you ever wondered what it means?
And how do you do it?

"LIVE UNITED" speaks to the core
of United Way's philosophy.

It's the directive to work together to improve
the common good within our community.
When we are united, we are working together
to solve the problems that destabilize communities

including lack of education, unstable sources of income,
and health problems.

When we are united, we can make changes
that would be impossible when we act alone.

To LIVE UNITED is as simple as becoming
a part of the efforts to improve our community,
to work with us toward creating opportunities
for a better life for all. You can do this by giving,
either of your time or of your treasure.
Monetary donations are used to fund programs
that build lasting change.
Gifts of your time as a volunteer directly impacts
lives of people around you. 

Your voice as an advocate for
Capital Area United Way helps ensure
the ALICE population and the underserved
have a voice in the policies that affect them.

Advocacy helps shape public debate
on important social issues, educates the community,
and influences policy.

We invite you to join us as we proudly LIVE UNITED.


How to Join


You can join Women United
by becoming a leadership donor

of Capital Area United Way through
Gottlieb Society, Tocqueville Society,
or by participating in the Step-Up Program.




Ways to Give


Payroll Donation Logo

Payroll Donations
at $83.50 per month
when giving $1,000 annually,
if available through your company

Online Donation Logo

Visit www.cauw.org/donate and select recurring or annual payments;
in the 'Other' section, write "Women United"

Mail Donation Logo Mail a check to CAUW
700 Laurel Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
in the memo section, write 
"Women United"
Step Up Logo Participate in the Step-Up Program
for NEW Members


StepUp Program Header

During years 1 & 2 of the Step-Up Program,
you will be able to volunteer with our members
and join subcommittees for direct involvement
in the planning and execution of events
and volunteer opportunities.

In year 3 and/or once you become a member
of Gottleib Society or Tocqueville Society,
you will also be invited to additional

social networking events, community events,
receive a VIP pass to Jambalaya Jam,
and you will become eligible to sit
on the Executive Committee.

NEW MEMBERS only can join the
3-Year Step-Up Program



year 1 year 2 year 3

$500 annually
$42 monthly

$750 annually
$62.50 monthly

Donate at the
Gottlieb Level
$1,000+ annually
$83.50 monthly



Step Up Program Payment Options
Online Donation Logo

Visit www.cauw.org/donate
Select recurring or annual payment,
in 'Other' section,

write "Women United Step-Up"

Mail Donation Logo 1

Mail a check to:

700 Laurel St.
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Women United Step-Up


For any questions about Women United,
please contact:

Emily Boudreaux
Corporate Relationship Manager

BASF Women United
Thank You For Your Premier Sponsorship, BASF