The History of The Brotherhood Sisterhood Awards
The Brotherhood Sisterhood banquet takes place annually and honors local community members who are recognized for actively serving the community, leading and inspiring others, breaking personal barriers, and leading exemplary lives, all toward the goal of equality and togetherness.
Since 1963, The Brotherhood Sisterhood Awards have annually recognized two outstanding individuals in the greater Baton Rouge community who have devoted their professional, philanthropic, and volunteer capacities to humanitarian service, thereby advancing the mission of fostering unity across racial, socioeconomic, ethnic, and religious lines. The honorees of the Brotherhood Sisterhood Award have worked tirelessly to break down the barriers that divide the community and impede its citizens from coexisting and collaborating harmoniously.
In 2018, Pass the Torch was introduced to the community. This award acknowledges one young adult (ages 18-24) who exemplifies the mission of the Brotherhood Sisterhood Awards, which is to honor individuals committed to combatting bias, bigotry, and racism across ethnic, gender, and religious boundaries within the community.
View The 2023 Brotherhood Sisterhood Honorees & Full Cohort
Photo by Charles Champagne, Communications & Marketing Manager, CAUW // (from left to right) George Bell, President & CEO, Capital Area United Way, Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome, Gwen Hamilton (2017 BHSH ), John Smith (2016 BHSH), Maxine Crump (2018 BHSH), Casey Phillips (2023 BHSH), Coleta Barrett (2022 BHSH), Rhoman Hardy (2023 BHSH) Tristian J. George (2023 PTT) , Marvin Borgmeyer (2022 BHSH), Press L. Robinson (1998 BHSH), Donna Saurage (1996 BHSH), Rabbi Barry Weinstein (2003 BHSH), Myra Richardson (2019 PTT), Amey S. Crousillac, SVP Resource Development, Capital Area United Way.
Other Living United Initiatives & Programs:
Dialogue on Race Louisiana
Capital Area United Way, along with corporate sponsors, will host Dialogue on Race sessions to further engage the community. Each session will last six weeks and 10-15 individuals will be selected to participate. Participants will represent a diverse mix of race, gender, age, and socioeconomic statuses.
If you would like to participate in a series, please contact Amey Shortess Crousillac at ameyc@cauw.org.
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